Call of the Sirens: The Complete TrilogyEbook: $9.99
Available on Amazon Author: KB Benson Sirens stole everything from her. Now she’s fighting back. Over 1,000 pages of heart-racing paranormal fantasy in one boxed set! Banished to the land by her siren clan, Iris is charged with luring human prey into the depths of the sea as penance. They are victims of the Harvest — a sacrificial feast heartening back to the days of Odysseus. No one escapes the siren’s song. But as Iris’ love for the human world grows, she is torn between her loyalties above and below the waves. When the waters under the sea darken and the sirens delve into forbidden magic, Iris turns to ancient legends to protect her loved ones and save humankind. Dive into a magical, mysterious side of our world you never knew existed. Journey with Iris and discover what it means to be human… including undying love and heartbreaking loss. Available on Amazon Kindle |